Filing Bankruptcy Without Large Bankruptcy Fees

One thing you need to do is research which bankruptcy you will most likely qualify for. You most likely will either qualify under a chapter 7 bankruptcy or a chapter 13 bankruptcy. To help reduce your filing fees you can petition the court to waive the filing fee in order to help you file. If you are able to read and fill out forms you can file bankruptcy yourself and save yourself the fees you would pay to a bankruptcy attorney. Filing bankruptcy your self is also called filing PRO SE. If you decide to try to attempt this you should seek advice on a bankruptcy forum and start asking questions to forum members that have filed bankruptcy themselves. In addition, you should visit a bankruptcy hearing to get a feel for what is involved when you have filed bankruptcy. All bankruptcy cases are open to the public and visiting some hearings will give you a feel for what your local bankruptcy trustee is looking for and how they conduct their hearings.

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There are certain books such as NOLO that will help you through filing bankruptcy yourself. One of the fees you will have to pay for is the bankruptcy class which can be done online and typically costs around $50.00. If you decide to file Pro Se to save on bankruptcy attorney fees you should know where you stand on the means test for your income and the size of your family in relation to federal income requirements.

Once you have completed your class you can set up an account on PACER (Public Access to Court Electronic Records) in which case you can file bankruptcy yourself without the worry of outrageous fees. It should be noted that while filing bankruptcy yourself is a court approved method you should have a good idea of where you stand with the court before you run off and file. If your case is complicated you may do yourself more harm by trying to file bankruptcy yourself rather than paying attorney their fee to file on your behalf.

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